Selby Community Association Board
Tim Newman Vice President Lauren Smith Treasurer Josh Winters Recording Secretary Philip Culpepper Special Tax Officer June Blaszkiewicz Zoning Offer Brian Andre Community Center Admin Linda Bouchard Community Center Op's Manager Ed Robey |
Police and Fire Protection Chair
Tracie D'Angelo Beach and Park Chair Bill Harding Roads, Sanitation & Restrictions Chair Jason Cadmus Ways and Means Chair Will Gateau Social Chair Stephanie Penkert Trustee #1 Michael Bouchard Trustee #2 Kim Englemann-Bareuther Trustee #3 Jeff (JoJo) Miller |
Contact Us
You can contact any of the above SCA Board members by emailing [email protected].
Monthly Meetings and Elections
Monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of every month and begin at 7:00pm. The Selby community is welcome to attend. Elections are in September with the new Board members sworn in during the October meeting.